Cloudera named a market leader in 2023 GigaOm Radar Report for Data Lakes & Lakehouses Get the report
Streaming data is on the rise and poses a challenge for enterprises to manage since it is high-volume, high-velocity data in varied forms and formats. However, the primary issue is that enterprises are struggling to harness such fast data to get immediate insights and actionable intelligence in real-time. Businesses are missing out on key opportunities to retain customers, improve operational efficiencies or boost their revenue when they are unable to harness the value of fast data in real-time. Streaming platforms can help but adopting streaming platforms can also be challenging. In this session, Dinesh Chandrasekhar will highlight some of the industry-wide challenges, the need for harnessing real-time and key use cases that drive immense business value in a rapidly evolving world. During this session, you will also hear from local Cloudera Solutions Engineer, Peter Leckie, on questions he regularly hears from customers on the challenges they face.

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